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List Name:
ACADADVL Academic & Pre-Professional Advising Center
ADMIN-L Test list for sysadmin
ADVANCEDTI-L Participants of the Advanced Teaching Institutes
AED-L members of AED premed society
AFFIRM Affirm Network
AFFIRMNET Affirmative Action Officers mailing list
ALPSIOM-L Alpha Psi Omega Theatre Department
AMAGANSETT_RESIDENTS List for residents of Amagansett Hall
AMMANN_RESIDENTS List for residents of Ammann Hall
AMPSTU-L Discussion Forum & Mailing List for AMP students
AREUNION-L Alumni reunion list
AROLIST Professor Oganov's Contacts
ARTHUR-L EGL 192.05 class discussion list
ASSESSMENT-L Stony Brook Education Assessment and Enhancement Committee
BARUCH_RESIDENTS List for residents of Baruch Hall
BBCOURSES BlackBoard Course Notification
BBFALL-L Listserve for faculty using Blackboard in Fall
BBINSTRUCT-L Blackboard Instructors at Stony Brook
BBOARDOLD-L Blackboard courses to be deleted notification list
BBSPRING-L Listserve for faculty using Blackboard in Spring
BBSUMMER-L Listserv for faculty using Blackboard in Summer
BBUSERS BlackBoard User List
BENEDICTNORTH_RESIDENTS List for residents of Benedict North
BENEDICTSOUTH_RESIDENTS List for residents of Benedict South
BENEDICT_RESIDENTS List for residents of Benedict Hall
BMTQUAL-L Communicate among faculty of the BMT Quality Program
BRV_RESIDENTS List for residents of Brv Hall
BSBGRAD-L Email list for BSB graduate students.
CAMPUS_RESIDENCES_ALL To be used to send all staff and residents
CANDA-L Listserv for the Center for Affective Neuroscience of Depression and Anxiety
CARDOZO_RESIDENTS List for residents of Cardozo Hall
CBPE-L Center for Behavioral Political Economy Listserv
CCWT Center for Clean Water Technology Mailing List
CEWIT CEWIT Announcements
CHAPIN_A_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_A Hall
CHAPIN_B_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_B Hall
CHAPIN_COMMUNITY List for residents of Chapin Community
CHAPIN_C_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_C Hall
CHAPIN_D_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_D Hall
CHAPIN_E_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_E Hall
CHAPIN_F_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_F Hall
CHAPIN_G_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_G Hall
CHAPIN_H_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_H Hall
CHAPIN_I_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_I Hall
CHAPIN_J_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_J Hall
CHAPIN_K_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_K Hall
CHAPIN_L_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chapin_L Hall
CHAVEZ-TUBMAN_COMMUNITY List for residents of Chávez-Tubman Community
CHAVEZ_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chavez Hall
CHINABLUE-L China Blue 90.1 FM listeners
CHINN_RESIDENTS List for residents of Chinn Hall
CHRONIC-L Chronic Disease/Cancer/Prostate group List
CJOJOBCATA-L Stony Brook University Faculty and Librarian Job Openings
CJOJOBCATA2-L Stony Brook University Health Science and Medical Center Faculty Job Openings
CLASS-L Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation
CLT602-L CLT 602 list
CMHCCB-L Center for Medical Humanities, Compassionate Care and Bioethics
COB_BUS-L Business Management majors
COLLEGEDEMS-L Stony Brook University College Democrats
COMMUNITIES-L Communities of Learning
COMPLI-L Comparative Literature Graduate Student Discussion
COMPRHET Composition and Rhetoric Discussion
CONDMATSEM-L Condensed matter seminars at Stony Brook University
CONSULT-L Stony Brook SINC Site Consultants
COSMOLOGY-L cosmology
CRAFTCENTER-L Craft Center Announcements
CSIDEPS-L CSISJP list for CAS Department Chairs, Graduate Coordinators and Directors
CSISJP-L Center for the Studies of Inequalities, Social Justice, and Policy Mailing List
CSMM-L CSMM Email Distribution List
CSTEPSTU-L Open discussion forum for CSTEP/AMP students
CTR_ITALIAN_STUDIES Center for Italian Studies at Stony Brook University outreach
DALAB-L Professor Assanis Laboratory
DEWEY_RESIDENTS List for residents of Dewey Hall
DOIT_OPERATIONS DoIT Operations Mailing List
DOUGLASS_RESIDENTS List for residents of Douglass Hall
DREISER_RESIDENTS List for residents of Dreiser Hall
EAPTALK Announcements from the EAP Office
ECNOTICES-TEST East Campus Notices Test List
EGL605-L Genre Theory Enlightenment
EGL697-L English Teaching Practicum List
EISENHOWER_RESIDENTS List for residents of Eisenhower Hall
ELEANOR_ROOSEVELT_COMMUNITY List for residents of Eleanor Roosevelt Community
ENERGY-WG Mailing List for members of the SBU Energy Working Group
ENGLISH-L English Department Faculty mailing list
ENGLISHGRAD-L English Graduate Student List
ENGLISHSOC-L Discussion of information and events pertaining to the undergraduate study of English.
ERIC-L test
EST585-L Technology and Learning Systems
FEMSEM98-L Graduate Seminar in Feminist Philosophy
GERSHWIN_RESIDENTS List for residents of Gershwin Hall
GRAY_RESIDENTS List for residents of Gray Hall
GREELEY_RESIDENTS List for residents of Greeley Hall
GREENPORT_RESIDENTS List for residents of Greenport Hall
GSEU-L Discussion list for graduate student employees at Stony Brook
GSJ-L Globality Studies Journal Subscribers List
HAMILTON_RESIDENTS List for residents of Hamilton Hall
HAND_RESIDENTS List for residents of Hand Hall
HEA-JOBS Job postings for HEA students and alumni
HENDRIX_RESIDENTS List for residents of Hendrix Hall
HILTON_RESIDENTS List for residents of Hilton
HISB-F faculty in the humanities
HISMAJ-L History Major list at Stony Brook
HISTGRAD-L USB History Graduate Students List
HOLIDAYINN_RESIDENTS List for residents of Holiday Inn
H_COMMUNITY List for residents of H Community
IACUC List of IACUC Applicants
IAPL-INFO International Association of Philosophy and Literature (Information List)
IBC List of IBC Applicants
ICHELPDESK-L This listserv will contain the IC Help Desk Consultants.
IDEAS-L Faculty in learning communities of ideas
IRAQVIEWS-L Professor Schwartz' symposium on the Iraq war
IRB List of IRB users
IRVING_RESIDENTS List for residents of Irving Hall
JAMES_RESIDENTS List for residents of James Hall
KELLER_RESIDENTS List for residents of Keller Hall
KELLY_COMMUNITY List for residents of Kelly Community
KSA-L Korean Students at Stony Brook
LABSAFETY-L Safety information from EH&S for the laboratories on campus
LANGMUIR_RESIDENTS List for residents of Langmuir Hall
LAUTERBUR-YANG_COMMUNITY List for residents of Lauterbur-Yang Community
LAUTERBUR_RESIDENTS List for residents of Lauterbur Hall
LEAKEYLC-L Leakey Lecture Invitation
LEARN-L Freshman Learning Communities Faculty
LIHJ-L Long Island History Journal Publication
LINGDEPT-L Linguistics Department Internal Mailing List
LINGO-L Linguistic department list
LINGRAD-L Linguistics Graduate Students List
LINK-L LINK: Your connection to bookstore services and events
LINUX-L Test list for sysadmin
LINUX2-L linux2 list
LINUXNEW-L No title defined
MAP-L Members of MAP and other interested parties
MATTITUCK_RESIDENTS List for residents of Mattituck Hall
MB-TEST melissa's test list
MEDFEM-L class (Egl302) discussion forum
MENDELSOHN_COMMUNITY List for residents of Mendelsohn Community
MODNCITY-l CLT 603/EGL 606 Modernism and the City
MOUNT_RESIDENTS List for residents of Mount Hall
MWEST-L Midwest Nominations Committee
NUTRITN-L Stony Brook Dietetic Internship Program
NYCL-L Coastlines electronic subscription
NYPIRG-L Announcements & Updates for The New York Public Interest Research Group
NYPOLPSY-L New York Area Political Psychology Meeting
NYSGRFP-L New York Sea Grant - Possible Funding Opportunities
ONEILL_RESIDENTS List for residents of O'Neill Hall
OPNNIGHT-L Open Night Newsletter Subscription
OSP_BULLETIN-L OSP Newletter readers will be able to subscribe to this newsletter
PAAJR-L Adjunct/Research Faculty in Physics & Astronomy
PAASSI-L Physics & Astronomy Assistant Professors List
PAASSO-L Physics & Astronomy Associate Professors List
PAFAC-L Physics & Astronomy Faculty List
PAFACM-L Physics & Astronomy Faculty Only List
PAGRA-L Physics & Astronomy Graduate Students List
PAGRAM-L Physics & Astronomy Graduate Students Only List
PAPROF-L Physics & Astronomy Professors List
PARES-L Physics & Astronomy Research Associates List
PASPEC-L Special tasks in Physics & Astronomy
PASTA-L Physics & Astronomy Staff List
PAUND-L Physics & Astronomy Undergraduate Students List
PHILGRAD Stony Brook Philosophy Graduate Student Discussion List
PHILOFEM PhiloFem PHI384 Class Discussion Spring 1997
PHILOS384-L Discussion list for Philosophy 384
PHILOSOPHY-L Philosophy Department Grad and Faculty List
PHILSTUDENTS-L Undergraduate Philosophy Majors and Minors
PHYASTALUM-L SBU Physics & Astronomy Alumni
POLICY-L Discussion list for Ad Hoc Committee for a Public Policy Institute
POLPSYCH-L APSA Political Psychology Section Announcements
PREHEALTH-L Information, events and input for prehealth students
PSYCH-MAJORS-L Undergraduate Psych Majors
PUSO-L PUSO Cabinet Listserv
RASA Russian-American Scientists Association (RASA) Mailing List
RECRUIT-L Sociology Department Recruitment Committee
RESEARCHFACULTY-L List of faculty that is involved with research
RESEARCHNEWS Announcements from the Research Foundation
RFREPORTCENTER-L List of users of RFSUNY Report Center
ROTH_COMMUNITY List for residents of Roth Community
RUGBY-L SBU Men's Rugby discussion list
SAGAPONACK_RESIDENTS List for residents of Sagaponack Hall
SBECOL-L Life Sciences at Stony Brook Bulletins
SBFEMATH-L The Stony brook female athletes List
SBHCC-L Health Care Cooperative List
SBNEWS Campus Announcements distribution list
SBOC-L Stony Brook Outdoors Club
SBSOC-CORE SBU Sociology Active Faculty List
SBSOC-F SUNY/Stony Brook Department of Sociology Faculty
SBSOC-G SUNY/Stony Brook Sociology Grad Students
SBSOC-L SUNY/Stony Brook Department of Sociology
SBU-COEUS-USERS-L List to communicate with SBU COEUS Users
SBUENGLISH-L General EGL Affiliates List
SBVAC-L List for the presentation of information to the general membership
SBWCENTER-L Listserv for Writing Center staff.
SB_IT_PARTNERS_SHARE A collobration and sharing group for the IT Partners
SCHICK_RESIDENTS List for residents of Schick Hall
SCHOMBURG-WEST_COMMUNITY List for residents of Schomburg-West Community
SCHOMBURG_A_RESIDENTS List for residents of Schomburg_A Hall
SCHOMBURG_B_RESIDENTS List for residents of Schomburg_B Hall
SEAC-L Listserv for the Stony Brook Student Environmental Action Coalition
SENIORCONS-L DoIT Senior Consultant and Staff
SHELTER_ISLAND_RESIDENTS List for residents of Shelter Island Hall
SIGBETA-L Sigma Beta Honor Society
SITEMNGR-L Site Managers for DoIT SINC Sites
SMRG-L Sociology department Social Movements Reading Group
SMRN-L Social Media Research Network
SOCACT-L Essential Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students in SBU SOC
SOCALUM-L Alumni of the sociology department's Ph.D. program
SOUTHAMPTON_COMMUNITY List for residents of Southampton Community
SOUTHOLD_RESIDENTS List for residents of Southold Hall
SPN221-L Ordering and Disrupting Fictions
SPN571-L Ordering and Disrupting Fictions
STALLER-L Staller Center Events and Information
STIMSON_RESIDENTS List for residents of Stimson Hall
STONYBASIC-L Stony Brook BASIC (Brothers and Sisters in Christ) mailing List.
STUDENTLIFE-L Students interested in student life activities at Stony Brook University.
SUMCONF-L 10th Summer Festival on Game Theory Mailing List
SUSTAINABILITY Listserve for the Sustainability office (http://www.stonybrook.edu/sustainability)
TABLER_COMMUNITY List for residents of Tabler Community
TARGET-FIT-L target fitness class list
TOSCANINI_RESIDENTS List for residents of Toscanini Hall
TRAINERS-L for demo and practice
TRUST-L Stony Brook University Trust Institute - News & discussion about the Templeton Research Lectures
TUBMAN_RESIDENTS List for residents of Tubman Hall
UGS-L Communication resource for graduate and professional students of color.
UHIEC-L Medical Ethics Committee List service
USBPDA-L SUNY at Stony Brook Biosciences Postdoctoral Association List
USBTECH-L Stony Brook--Computer Support Issues Mailing List
USPEX Users community of the USPEX code
USPEXDEV Developers of the USPEX code
WAGNER_RESIDENTS List for residents of Wagner Hall
WANGCENTER Wang Center Events
WEST_A_RESIDENTS List for residents of West_A Hall
WEST_B_RESIDENTS List for residents of West_B Hall
WEST_C_RESIDENTS List for residents of West_C Hall
WEST_D_RESIDENTS List for residents of West_D Hall
WEST_E_RESIDENTS List for residents of West_E Hall
WEST_F_RESIDENTS List for residents of West_F Hall
WEST_G_RESIDENTS List for residents of West_G Hall
WEST_H_RESIDENTS List for residents of West_H Hall
WEST_I_RESIDENTS List for residents of West_I Hall
WEST_J_RESIDENTS List for residents of West_J Hall
WEST_K_RESIDENTS List for residents of West K Hall
WHITMAN_RESIDENTS List for residents of Whitman Hall
WICASSOC-L Discussion forum for WIC Program Coordinators in the Metropolitan Region.
WRTALUM-L Listserv for Stony Brook Writing minor alums
WRTCERT-L Stony Brook Graduate Writing Certificate
WRTMINOR-L A communications list for SBU Writing Minors.
WST407-L Discussion list for wst407 class
YANG_RESIDENTS List for residents of Yang Hall
ZAKMENTOR-L List members part of Zak mentoring group/WP/F98
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