If you taught a Fall 2009 or Winter Session (January) 2010 course and used Blackboard, please read this important announcement carefully!
On Monday, April 12, 2010, we will be deleting all rosters from Fall 2009 and Winter Session (January) 2010 Blackboard courses.
If your course falls into either of the following categories, you MUST fill out this form prior to Thursday, April 8, 2010: http://naples.cc.sunysb.edu/DoIT/bbreq.nsf/bbkeeproster
1. Does not follow the West Campus schedule
3. Courses that overlap semesters
3. You still have students completing incomplete grades
4. You have a pending dishonesty case with the Academic Judiciary
What happens when rosters are deleted?
All students are removed from your course, along with their grades, file submissions, and homepages. This information is permanently deleted and cannot be restored.
Any material created or uploaded by instructors will remain in the course.
What should you do to preserve your content?
1. Download your Grade Center to Excel: https://tlt.stonybrook.edu/FacultyServices/Software/BlackboardLMS/GradeCenter/Pages/Download.aspx
2. Download any Assignments submitted by students: https://tlt.stonybrook.edu/FacultyServices/Software/BlackboardLMS/assignments/Pages/AccessMultipleSubmissions.aspx
3. Download any SafeAssignments submitted by students: https://tlt.stonybrook.edu/FacultyServices/Software/BlackboardLMS/SafeAssign/Pages/AccessSubmissions.aspx
Please let us know if you have any questions!
Teaching, Learning + Technology's Blackboard Support Team
Stony Brook University
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(631) 632-2777
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