Dear Stanley; I do not know if you remember me. We had met at CSNA meeting at Urbana-Champaig two years ago. Hope that you are doing fine. I have attended the conference organized by Hamparsum in Turkey, it was a nice conference. Thanks for letting me know about this conference. I would like to ask you something. We have prepared a paper with my colleagues in Turkey about pre-test estimator. I know you have a very nice paper about this topic. I was wondering if you can read the paper, provide us some feedback regarding this paper and give us some idea which journal is the best to submit . If you are busy I do understand. Thanks very much and look forward to hearing from you, Nedret p.s. I will have to renew my membership soon. Thanks for reminding us. ****************************************************** Nedret Billor, PhD Department of Mathematics and Statistics 364C Parker Hall Auburn University, AL 36849-5307 Phone: (334) 844-3619 Fax: (334) 844-3611 ***************************************************** >>> "Stanley L. Sclove" <[log in to unmask]> 4/29/2009 5:23 PM >>> * **Hello ! Don't miss your copy of the next issue of the /Journal of Classification/ ! Renew your membership in the Classification Society, or join now ! Membership form attached. For further information, see . best . . . -- stan Stan Sclove, Classification Society Secretary/Treasurer* * ===================================================== Stanley L. Sclove, Ph.D. S t a t i s t i c i a n Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago Information & Decision Sciences Dept (MC 294) . . ofc (312) 996-2681 College of Business Administration . . . . dept (312) 996-2676 University of Illinois at Chicago . . . . . fax (312) 413-0385 601 S. Morgan Street . . . . . . . . . [log in to unmask] Chicago, IL 60607-7124, U.S.A . . . . . ===================================================== * ---------------------------------------------- CLASS-L list. Instructions: ---------------------------------------------- CLASS-L list. Instructions: