Hi All

Several requests for people wanting to be involved with next years meeting June 10-13, St. Louis.


We have two special sessions -- one on the use of evolutionary methods and clustering in anthropoligy, and the other on the classification of viruses. Both of these are SPECIAL INVITED sessions that will be inviting researchers in these areas who might not have ever attended CS meetings to interact with our membership.

Ideally this will fertilize collaborations for CS members looking for projects and researchers looking to incorporate cutting edge cluster/classification methods.

I need volunteers who will attend special focused panel discussions on these topics to CONTRIBUTE TO EFFORTS TO REBUILD AND RESTABLISH THE CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY AS THE PREMIER ORGANIZATION FOR THIS WORK!


We need to finish organizing sessions and get speakers lined up.

Call me at 314-704-8725 with questions.

Thank you

Bill Shannon, PhD
Associate Prof. of Biostatistics in Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine
Director, Biostatistical Consulting Center

CLASS-L list.
Instructions: http://www.classification-society.org/csna/lists.html#class-l