Please see the attached (near) final schedule for this weeks meeting. I believe I have made the changes people requested for their travel schedules, but please contact me if you see mistakes -- I make many! The conference will be held in Farrel Learning Center (FLC) rooms 214 and 401. Each room is equipped with computer and projector and it will be much easier if you put your talks on a flash disk and use this equipment. All sessions are for 2 hours and most have three talks. Please plan on 30-35 minutes presentation and a few minutes for questions. Maps will be forhtcoming for getting from the airport to the hotel (it is very easy and requires a short, inexpensive ($3.00 or so) train ride and a 3 block walk. I look forward to seeing everyone. I am always available if needed on my cell phone at 314-704-8725 or email [log in to unmask] Thanks Bill Shannon ---------------------------------------------- CLASS-L list. Instructions: