I didn't see that article because my 2001 Journal of Classification issues were sent to be sanitized after we had the anthrax scare at work and were never returned.

This is obviously an approach to try.


J. Douglas Carroll wrote:
[log in to unmask]" type="cite">K-modes clustering was originally developed by Anil Chaturvedi, Paul Green and me in 1994, but, for various reasons, not published until 2001.  K-modes indeed is the optimal procedure to use for the problem of clustering categorical data you describe.  The reference for our paper is:

Chaturvedi, A.D.,  Green, P.E. & Carroll, J.D. (2001).  K-modes clustering.  Journal of Classification, 18, 35-56.

Doug Carroll

At 09:39 AM 2/4/2008, Arnaud Trollé wrote:
I'd like to cluster categorical data (3 categories) by means of a partitioning
method; I'm quite a beginner in that field and I would need to be enlightened.
From a bibliographic review I carried out about that topic, it appeared to me
that a method is often used :the k-modes method. From her/his experience,
could anyone confirm or deny that it is the case ? If denied, which method
could be more "powerful" ?

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards.
PhD Student in Acoustics.
Lyon, France.

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