TO: CSNA e-mail list FROM: Clive Spenser of LPA Software, UK, via Stan Sclove, CSNA Secretary SUBJECT: Offer of a free CD to try new AI software Respond to Clive Spenser <[log in to unmask]> >Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 19:25:02 +0000 >From: Clive Spenser <[log in to unmask]> >Reply-To: [log in to unmask] >Organization: LPA > > >To: [log in to unmask] >Subject: Invitation to evaluate the latest LPA AI Software on CD ... > >Dear Stanley, > >Do you, or any of your colleagues involved with Artificial Intelligence, >Expert Systems, Knowledge-based decision support systems, want to >receive the latest LPA software CD to evaluate? > >The Open University adopted LPA's Flex as the basis for the course, >"T396: Artificial Intelligence for Technology". This course, which has >been running for over ten years, aims to teach Artificial intelligence >and Knowledge-based systems and introduces the concepts and applications >of rules, handling uncertainty (including Bayesian updating, certainty >theory and fuzzy logic), object-oriented systems and intelligent agents. > > >The book supplied with the course is Intelligent Systems for Engineers >and Scientists, 2nd edition, by A.A.Hopgood, published by CRC Press. > >Also included on the CD are various AI tools covering logic programming, >expert systems, bayesian nets, fuzzy logic, agents, data mining, CBR, >large corpora such as WordNet etc. > >If you or any of your colleagues want to receive a free CD, please let >me know, and I'll be happy to organize one for you. > >regards, > >Clive Stan Sclove Sec'y/Treas., CSNA ========================================================= Stanley L. Sclove, Ph.D. Statistician Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago Information & Decision Sciences Dept M/C 294 ........ ofc (312) 996-2681 College of Business Administration .................. dept (312) 996-2676 University of Illinois at Chicago ..................... fax (312) 413-0385 601 S. Morgan Street .................................. [log in to unmask] Chicago, IL 60607-7124, U.S.A. ...................... ========================================================= PLAN TO ATTEND THESE UPCOMING MEETINGS CSNA, the CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY OF NORTH AMERICA Classification Society of North America 2006 Meeting CSNA 2006 / 10 - 13 May 2006 DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IFCS, the INTERNATIONAL FEDERATION OF CLASSIFICATION SOCIETIES IFCS 2006 Ljubljana, Slovenia July 25 to 29, 2006 ==========================================================