NIPS 2004
 Neural Information Processing Systems Conference and Workshops
     Monday, December 13 --- Saturday, December 18, 2004
           Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

     Deadline for Early Registration: November 12, 2004

NIPS is a premier interdisciplinary conference that brings together researchers
interested in all aspects of neural processing, statistics, and computation.
The conference takes place on Dec 13-18, 2004.

The deadline for lower conference registration rates and accommodation rates at
the Hyatt Regency is November 12. The deadline for lower workshop accommodation
rates at the Westin Resort and Spa is November 16.  We urge interested parties
to register soon for the conference and for hotel accommodations.

Websites for registration:
* Conference and workshop registration ---
* Hotel registration ---

In addition, we have arranged a 10% discount on WestJet for flights into
Vancouver for NIPS. Please see: for more information.

Information about transportation from Vancouver to the workshops in Whistler is
available at

Thank you for your attention.