I thought I would forward this NSF announcement requests proposals for
pattern recognition and clustering methodology focused research.


William D. Shannon, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Biostatistics in Medicine
Division of General Medical Sciences and Biostatistics

Washington University School of Medicine
Campus Box 8005, 660 S. Euclid
St. Louis, MO   63110

Phone: 314-454-8356
Fax: 314-454-5113
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
web page: http://ilya.wustl.edu/~shannon

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 14:50:26 -0400 (EDT)
From: Eric Luhrs <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask],
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Subject: [Epilist] NSF request for proposals on pattern discovery

Dear Colleague,

The area of pattern discovery has become critical both because of the
scientific challenges involved in dealing with massive amounts of data
and because of its relevance to national security needs. While steady
incremental progress based on classical paradigms have made solutions
to a few specific problems technologically feasible, for more complex
tasks there is a clear need and scope for fundamental research to
exploit available computational resources and more advanced analytics
together. Recent progress has been based on ideas drawn from several
disciplines e.g., computer science, engineering, mathematics,
statistics, biology, medicine etc.

NSF's Information Technology Research (ITR) program of NSF, which
stresses innovative and multidisciplinary approaches for significant
problems, would be a good vehicle for funding basic research in
pattern discovery.

Some technical issues are: High dimensional data modeling, novel
clustering techniques, combination of ensemble of classifiers, methods
for scaling up supervised learning algorithms. Active and reinforced
learning, learning and inference associated with graphical models
including factor graphs, MRFs.  Kernel machines, transductive
inference techniques. Deformable templates; (time) sequential and 3D
pattern recognition. Use of (stochastic) grammars. Fusion of
multi-modal data from heterogeneous sensors in complex pattern
recognition tasks; novel fusion paradigms.

Current applications may include: Biometrics e.g., face, fingerprint,
voice, iris, gait recognition. Tracking and surveillance including
bio-surveillance possibly arising from epidemiological considerations
e.g., spatio-temporal event detection.  Recognition and discovery of
information arising from fusion of data obtained via e.g., global
sensing systems, biological, infrared and other detectors.  Biomedical
and financial forecasting applications may also be considered.

In order to facilitate review, submission of these proposals should be
accompanied by the following designation of NSF program unit:

Large projects:      CISE directorate.
Medium  projects:    CISE directorate, CCR division
Small projects:      CISE directorate, CCR division, "Special Project" as a
                     program unit.

After submitting a proposal via FastLane, please let us know the
proposal number by sending an email to:

Sankar Basu
Program Director, CISE/CCR Division
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Blvd., Room 1145
Arlington, VA 22230
Phone: 703-292-8910
Email: [log in to unmask]

Large projects:Mandatory pre-proposals November 18, 2002.
Medium projects: February 12, 2003
Small projects: December 12, 2002.

ITR 2003 Website:
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