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February 2006


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Mel Janowitz <[log in to unmask]>
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Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation
Fri, 17 Feb 2006 10:35:15 -0500
TEXT/PLAIN (79 lines)
Classification Society of North America 2006 Meeting on Network Data
Analysis and Data Mining: Applications in Biology, Computer Science,
Intrusion Detection, and Other areas

**Deadline for submissions has been extended to March 15, 2006**

We apologize for any duplicate listings

Meeting date is May 10 - 13, 2006
DIMACS Center, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ

  Mel Janowitz, DIMACS, [log in to unmask]

Program Committee:
  David Banks, Duke University, [log in to unmask],edu
  William Shannon, Washington University School of Medicine,
   [log in to unmask]

This meeting will be held partly as a joint meeting with the DIMACS
workshop on Clustering Problems in Biological Networks May 9 - 11,
2006.  The CSNA meeting is cosponsored by the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics.

Meeting Announcement

This is the annual meeting of the Classification Society of North
America,(CSNA) Further information about CSNA may be obtained from its
web site The
theme of the meeting is Network Data Analysis and Data Mining:
Applications in Biology, Sociology, Computer Science, Intrusion
Detection, and Related Areas.

Further information about the meeting may be obtained by email from
[log in to unmask] Proposals for special sessions, contributed
papers and invited speakers are welcome and may be submitted via this
email address.

This meeting will be held partly as a joint meeting with the DIMACS
workshop "Clustering Problems in Biological Networks" that is being
held May 9-11, 2006 at DIMACS. See:

Both DIMACS and the CSNA cordially invite you to participate in these
meetings. Registration for the CSNA meeting alone is welcome, and
there will also be a special combined rate available for people
wishing to attend both events.

Call for Participation:

The deadline for submissions has been extended to March 15,
2006. Contrtibuted papers should include a title as well as a short
abstract. There will be no poster sessions, and to the best of our
ability, parallel sessions will be avoided or at least kept to a
minimum. All submissions will be acknowledged no later than
April 1, 2006.


 Pre-registration deadline: May 3, 2006

Please see website for additional registration information.


Information on participation, registration, accommodations, and
travel can be found at:

