Conference Program:
The last day for early registration pricing is November 6, 2009.
Tutorials: December 7, 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Main Conference: December 7 - 10, 2009 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Workshops: December 11-12, 2009 in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
The tutorials will offer a choice of six two-hour tutorials by leading scientists. The topics
span a wide range of subjects including Neuroscience, Learning Algorithms and Theory,
Bioinformatics, Image Processing, and Data Mining.
The NIPS Conference features a single track program, with contributions from a large
number of intellectual communities. Presentation topics include: Algorithms and
Architectures; Applications; Brain Imaging; Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence;
Control and Reinforcement Learning; Emerging Technologies; Learning Theory;
Neuroscience; Speech and Signal Processing; and Visual Processing. All papers are
rigorously reviewed.
The Poster Sessions will take place Monday through Wednesday evenings, December 7 –
9, 2009, during the Conference. The sessions offer high-quality posters and an
opportunity for researchers to share their work and exchange ideas in a collegial setting.
The majority of contributions accepted at NIPS are presented as posters.
The Demonstrations enable researchers to highlight scientific advances, systems, and
technologies in ways that go beyond conventional poster presentations. It provides a
unique forum for demonstrating advanced technologies — both hardware and software —
and fostering the direct exchange of knowledge.
Following the regular program of the Neural Information Processing Systems 2009
conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada, four mini-symposia will be held in parallel during
the afternoon of Thursday, December 10, 2009, in the Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, BC,
The Post-Conference Workshop Program takes place in Whistler, B.C. at the Westin
Resort and Spa and the Hilton Whistler Resort and Spa Friday, December 11 and
Saturday, December 12, 2009. There will be 28 workshops covering a wide range of
topics from Neuroscience to Machine Learning. The workshop program schedule allows
time for informal discussions, skiing and other winter sports.
CLASS-L list.