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March 2004


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"ALBA Sandra, Assistant Statistician" <[log in to unmask]>
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Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 14:43:34 -0000
text/plain (53 lines)
Thanks ever so much, that definitely helps!
Having said that, it would be great if you could send me an electronical version of the paper, considering the photocopy I got hold of was of so poor quality.
Also, I gather you have a certain familiarity with the topic, so may I ask in passing what you think about Arnold's test? I am a bit concerned that it might be out dated, but I find it conceptually easy to understand and share with non-statisticians.
Thanks again for your help
Kind Regards

Sandra Alba
University Medicine - Level 7
Derriford Hospital

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation [SMTP:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Pawel P. Baran
> Sent: 16 March 2004 13:56
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Re: Arnold's Test for Clusters
> > > I have a not very statistical query regarding the paper "A test for
> Clusters" published in 1979 (Journal of Marketing Research, vol XVI,
> november 1979, 545-51). I would like to apply Arnold's test to my data. I
> have finally got hold of a copy of the paper, but it is the fudgiest paper
> ever! Typically, the most incomprehensible part is the end of page 548,
> where the two key functions are given. This is what I can recover (?
> indicate values which I cannot read):
> > >
> > > C(unimodal)= [e^(0.?6???)*g^(0.???42)*p^(0.21011)*a^(0.13??)]/N^(0.2972)
> > > C(uniform)=[e^(0.?????)*g^(0.89510)*p^(0.138??)*a^(0.163??)]/N^(0.236)
> I hope this would help:
> C(unimodal)= [e^(0.06239)*g^(0.95242)*p^(0.21011)*a^(0.13389)]/N^(0.29723)
> C(uniform)=[e^(0.08664)*g^(0.89510)*p^(0.13896)*a^(0.16356)]/N^(0.23672)
> Please let me know if you want the whole paper emailed (~700kb).
> Pawel
> --
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> [log in to unmask]
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