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July 2000


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Kbcs-2000 Secretariat <[log in to unmask]>
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Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation
Sat, 8 Jul 2000 12:44:39 -0500
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                                 K B C S 2000

                               Call for Papers

                         INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON

                                Mumbai, India
                             December 17-19, 2000

                                 Sponsored by
   International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) -- TC12, and
                       Computer Society of India (CSI)

                             In Cooperation with
           Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Mumbai Chapter

The conference is intended to  act as a forum for  promoting interaction among
researchers in  the field  of  Artificial Intelligence  in  India and  abroad.
There will be a two-day conference during December 18-19,  2000, preceded by a
day of pre-conference tutorials on December 17, 2000.

Papers are  invited  on  substantial,  original  and unpublished  research  on
all aspects  of Artificial  Intelligence, including,  but not  limited to  the

o Case Based Reasoning               o Machine Learning
o Cognitive Modeling                 o Machine Translation
o Data Mining                        o Natural Language Processing
o Expert Systems                     o Neural Networks
o Foundations of AI                  o Planning and Scheduling
o Fuzzy Logic   umar, IIT, Mumbai
Amitava Bagchi, IIM, Calcutta
Pushpak Bhattacharya, IIT, Mumbai
B.B. Chaudhuri, ISI, Calcutta
R. Chandrasekar, Microsoft, USA
S. Sen Gupta, Tata Infotech, Mumbai
Jan Komorowski, NUST, Norway
Brian Mayoh, U of Aarhus, Denmark
M. Narasimha Murty, IISc, Bangalore
Bernd Neumann, Univ Hamburg, Germany
P. Ravi Prakash, NCST, Mumbai
S. Ramani, Silverline, Mumbai (Chair)
Durgesh D. Rao, NCST, Mumbai
P. Saint-Dizier, U of Paul Sabatier, France
R. Sangal, CALTS, Hyderabad
M. Sasikumar, NCST, Mumbai
R. Uthurusamy, GMR Labs, USA (Co-chair)

Organizing Committee

George Arakal, NCST (Chair)
Bhavesh Busa, NCST
Jayprasad Hegde, NCST
Parag A. Mahadane, NCST
Kavitha Mohanraj, NCST
Mandar Padhye, NCST
Rahul Vakil, NCST

Format of Submission

Authors should  submit  their papers,  not  to  exceed 5000  words  (including
figures and references).  Papers should be in English.   Papers should include
an abstract of about 100-200 words.   Papers outside the  specified length are
subject to rejection  without review.   Since reviewing  will be "blind", , 2000

Call for Tutorials

Proposals are  invited for  pre-conference tutorials.    Tutorials  can be  of
half-day or full-day duration and  will be held on  December 17th, 2000.   The
proposal should be  presented in  the form  of a 200-word  abstract, one  page
topical outline of the  content and bio-data  of the speakers  including their
qualifications relating to the tutorial content.

Tutorial Proposals:

o Due:                      August 30, 2000
o Acceptance Notification:  September 15, 2000
o Materials due:            November 25, 2000


KBCS-2000 Secretariat                    Phone:  +91 (22) 620 1606  Ext. 371
National Centre for Software Technology  Fax:  +91 (22) 621 0139
Gulmohar Cross Rd No.  9                 E-mail:   [log in to unmask]
Juhu, Mumbai 400 049, India