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November 2015


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Christian Hennig <[log in to unmask]>
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Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation
Tue, 17 Nov 2015 17:30:07 +0000
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Alan Turing Fellowships
This is a unique opportunity for early career researchers to join The
Alan Turing Institute. The Alan Turing Institute is the UK?s new
national data science institute, established to bring together
world-leading expertise to provide leadership in the emerging field of
data science. The Institute has been founded by the universities of
Cambridge, Edinburgh, Oxford, UCL and Warwick and EPSRC.

Fellowships are available for 3 years with the potential for an
additional 2 years of support following interim review. Fellows will
pursue research based at the Institute hub in the British Library,
London. Fellowships will be awarded to individual candidates and fellows
will be employed by a joint venture partner university (Cambridge,
Edinburgh, Oxford, UCL or Warwick).

Key requirements: Successful candidates are expected to have i) a PhD in
a data science (or adjacent) subject (or to have submitted their
doctorate before taking up the post), ii) an excellent publication
record and/or demonstrated excellent research potential such as via
preprints, iii) a novel and challenging research agenda that will
advance the strategic objectives of the Institute, and iv) leadership
potential. Fellowships are open to all qualified applicants regardless
of background.

Alan Turing Fellowship applications can be made in all data science
research areas. The Institute?s research roadmap is available at . In addition to this open call, there
are two specific fellowship programmes:

Fellowships addressing data-centric engineering
The Lloyd?s Register Foundation (LRF) / Alan Turing Institute programme
to support data-centric engineering is a 5-year, £10M global programme,
delivered through a partnership between LRF and the Alan Turing
Institute. This programme will secure high technical standards (for
example the next-generation algorithms and analytics) to enhance the
safety of life and property around the major infrastructure upon which
modern society relies. For further information on data-centric
engineering, see LRF?s Foresight Review of Big Data. Applications for
Fellowships under this call, which address the aims of the LRF/Turing
programme, may also be considered for funding under the data-centric
engineering programme. Fellowships awarded under this programme may vary
from the conditions given above; for more details contact
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Fellowships addressing data analytics and high-performance computing
Intel and the Alan Turing Institute will be supporting additional
Fellowships in data analytics and high-performance computing.
Applications for Fellowships under this call may also be considered for
funding under the joint Intel-Alan Turing Institute programme.
Fellowships awarded under this joint programme may vary from the
conditions given above; for more details contact [log in to unmask]

Download full information on the Turing fellowships:

Diversity and equality are promoted in all aspects of the recruitment
and career management of our researchers. In keeping with the principles
of the Institute, we especially encourage applications from female

Christian Hennig
University College London, Department of Statistical Science
Gower St., London WC1E 6BT, phone +44 207 679 1698
[log in to unmask],

CLASS-L list.