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ICDM '01: The 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining
Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society
San Jose, California, USA
November 29 - December 2, 2001
Home Page: http://kais.mines.edu/~xwu/icdm/icdm-01.html
IEEE ICDM 2001: Call for Tutorials
The 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM '01) will
include tutorials providing in-depth background on specific subjects
in data mining. The recency of the data mining field, and the variety
of disciplines that are represented, lead to many possibilities for
good tutorials:
* Short courses on areas of machine learning, databases, or
statistics that may be "old hat" to specialists in that
discipline, but are new to a majority of the conference
attendees. (e.g., An Introduction to Hidden Markov Models).
* Surveys of new and developing research areas in data
mining. (e.g., Text Mining).
* End-to-end descriptions of the practical application of data
mining technology (i.e., applications that may be "typical" for a
paper, but provide an example of issues faced in a data mining
project that would generalize to problems faced by the conference
* An in-depth coverage of a past research breakthrough that is now
becoming a mature technology.
The topics of interest fall within those described in the conference
Call for Papers (http://kais.mines.edu/~xwu/icdm/icdm-01.html).
Submission Details
The tutorial proposal should include the following:
1. Title and abstract of the tutorial;
2. Intended audience. Include prerequisite knowledge required of the
attendees, and the expected areas of interest. (For example, a
tutorial on statistics for people applying data mining tools
vs. a tutorial on statistics for people building data mining
3. Length of time needed (e.g., half day or full day); and
4. Short biographies of the presenters.
Tutorial materials such as handouts and slides should be included if
available, but are not required for submission. However, providing
such materials will show depth and maturity of the tutorial, and will
be a strong factor in the selection process.
Please send a soft copy (preferred) of your proposal to
[log in to unmask], or a hard copy to:
Dr. Chris Clifton
The MITRE Corporation
M/S K308,
202 Burlington Rd,
Bedford, MA 01730-1420,
Important Dates
June 30, 2001: Tutorial submissions.
July 31, 2001: Acceptance notices.
August 31, 2001: Camera-ready copy of tutorial handouts.
November 29, 2001: ICDM '01 tutorials.