[ Apologies for multiple postings ]
International Conference on Machine Intelligence
Tozeur, Tunisia, November 5-7, 2005
Interested attendees are encouraged to propose special sessions, which consist of 5 papers that provide a focused discussion on a wide variety of new, innovative, and emerging topics of interest to the Machine Intelligence community including (see the website for a detailed list):
* CI : Computational Intelligence
* IC : Intelligent Control
* IDA : Intelligent Data Analysis
* IPA : Intelligent Pattern Analysis
* ISA : Intelligent Systems Architectures
Each special session proposal must include the session title, description, and organizers.
Special session proposals should be e-mailed to [log in to unmask] by April 1, 2005.
Proposals should be no longer than 3 pages and should include: (a) the title of the proposed special session, (b) the name of the organizer(s) (including contact information), (c) a 1-2 paragraph description of the relevant background/expertise of the organizer(s).
The acceptance of special session proposals will be based on: their relevance to the conference, their relevance to related topics of interest, and/or the expertise and background of the organizers.
The special sessions chairs will be responsible for coordinating reviews for each submitted paper by assigning them reviewers selected from the reviewer list supplied by the session organizer.
Session organizers are also encouraged to issue a call for papers for their special sessions.
After the review process, the program chairs will work with each session organizer to determine the final composition of their special session.
By June 30, 2005, the special session chairs will send acceptance/rejection notices to the authors of papers submitted to the special sessions.
Special session organizers are expected to ensure that all camera-ready versions are submitted by July 31, 2005 and that each accepted paper is presented at the conference.
Special Sessions Important Dates:
April 1, 2005 Deadline for submission of special session proposals.
April 11, 2005 Preliminary notification of the acceptance or rejection of special session proposals
May 31, 2005 Deadline for submission of special session papers (full papers only).
June 30, 2005 Paper acceptance/rejection notification
July 31, 2005 Camera ready papers due (electronically)
Best regards.
Adel M. Alimi
IEEE Senior Member
HDR, PhD, Eng., Associate Professor
REGIM: REsearch Group on Intelligent Machines
University of Sfax, National School of Engineers
Department of Electrical Engineering
BP W, Sfax, 3038, Tunisia
Address: Centre Postal Maghreb Arabe, B.P. 120, Sfax, 3049, Tunisia
Tel.: +216-74-274-088 GSM: +216-98-66-76-82 Fax.: +216-74-275-595 email: [log in to unmask]