I am searching for working/published papers on twostep clustering method
comparison as well as references about this and other methods for
clustering large datasets. I am already aware of the following material:
Chiu, T., Fang, D., Chen, J., Wang, Y., and Jeris, C. (2001). A Robust
and Scalable Clustering Algorithm for Mixed Type Attributes in Large
Database Environment. Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGKDD
international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining, 263.
Zhang, T., Ramakrishnon, R., and Livny M. (1996). BIRCH: An Efficient
Data Clustering Method for Very Large Datebases. Proceedings of the ACM
SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, p. 103-114, Montreal, Canada.
Gore, P. A. Jr. (2000). Cluster analysis. In H. E. A. Tinsley & S. D.
Brown (Eds.), Handbook of applied multivariate statistics and
mathematical modeling (pp. 297-321). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Thank you in advance,
Mr. Luca Meyer
Consumer research advisor: http://www.lucameyer.com/en/
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