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October 2002


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"Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation" <[log in to unmask]>
"Arthur J. Kendall" <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 22 Oct 2002 10:10:23 -0400
"Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation" <[log in to unmask]>
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Good to hear from you.  I don't have a history per se.  But you may be able to
skim the table of contents of
Tryon, R. C. (1939) Cluster analysis. Ann Arbor: Edwards Brothers.
Mine is gone from my shelf but you may be able to find it.

If you don't have access to the following I could lend them to you.

Lorr, M. (1983) Cluster Analysis for Social Scientists San Francisco:
Has citations to early people like Coombs in the 40's. Lorr's and other's work
in the 50's

McQuitty, L. L. (1987) Pattern Analytic Clustering Lanham: University Press of
America.   Cites people like Cohen, himself, Lorr, Meehl, and Stephenson from
the1940s,  1950's.

Lorr, M. (1967) Conference on cluster analysis of multivariate data.
this was the conference that was said to kick off the idea of the Classification
Society which got under way a year or so later.Has papers by Lorr, Sokal,
McQuitty, Tryon, Ball, Tucker, Ward, Lingoes, Overall . People are from many
disiplines.  The paper by Lorr pulls together a brief summary of the field with
some historical slant.
Some of the cites are to big names in their fields  like Lazarfeld (1950)
Loevinger (1953) Stephenson( 1936)

I need to go out to a meeting, but if it would be helpful, let me know and I'll
look at the green Sage monographs on clustering and on typology.
Also I have 8-10 binders of pre 1975 or so  articles on clustering, I could look

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shannon wrote:

> Hi everyone
> I have been invited to write a technology review for the journal
> Pharmacogenomics on cluster analysis methods for gene and protein
> expression data. Can anyone send me a reference on the history of cluster
> analysis?
> I would like to frame this paper within the context of the fact that these
> tools have been out there a long time and were not recently invented by
> the molecular biologists who are suddenly interested in using them.
> Thanks
> Bill
> ---
> William D. Shannon, Ph.D.
> Assistant Professor of Biostatistics in Medicine
> Division of General Medical Sciences and Biostatistics
> Washington University School of Medicine
> Campus Box 8005, 660 S. Euclid
> St. Louis, MO   63110
> Phone: 314-454-8356
> Fax: 314-454-5113
> e-mail: [log in to unmask]
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