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November 2002


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Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation
Mon, 11 Nov 2002 11:36:40 -0500
text/plain (19 lines)
if you are using SPSS and are familiar with it I would suggest the following for such a small set of samples. First, from your email you imply you have two sample sets ergo to symetric matrices. I recommend the folowing which all can be done in SPSS:
1) reduce the two matrices using principal components. Make sure have the same number of eigenvectors produced.
2) rotate the resulting PCA of one set onto the other using a Promax rotation. You have map each matrix into the same coordinate space.
3) after the rotation and/or the PCA you can see the RSquare the fit of one matrix on the other.

SPSS with small samples as your works dandy!

N Gottlieb
ProfileDepot, Inc.

you wrote:
Hi All,
I am a doctoral candidate studying in the UK. As part of my research, I use card sorting tasks to investigate underlying cognitive structures of prospective teachers within a subject domain. The result of this card sorting task is a symmetrical matrix with 56 rows and 56 columns. What I want to do is to correlate two matrices which represents an expert's categorisation of the cars and a subject's categorisation. Here I have the problem. I do not know how to do this. Can you help me in solving my problem? I am reasonably familiar with SPSS. Is it possible to do this with SPSS? Or do I need another program?

Thank you very much for your interest and time.