PAKDD 2002 Workshop on Text Mining
Taipei, Taiwan, May 6, 2002
Workshop web site:
Conference web site:
Other PAKDD workshops: http://
Aim and Scope
We have seen a tremendous growth in the volume of online text documents
available on the Internet, digital libraries, news sources, and company-wide
intranet. These documents (with other unstructured data) will become the
predominant data type stored online. The growing importance of online
documents has led to a great interest in tools and approaches for dealing
with unstructured or semi-structured information stored in the text documents.
Text mining is an exciting area of research that provides such tools and
approaches utilizing techniques from data mining, machine learning,
information retrieval, natural-language understanding, statistics, database,
and visualization. Text Mining also serves as enabling technologies to the
recent development in web intelligence and as complementary technologies for
the Semantic Web and OntoWeb initiatives championed by the W3C consortium.
A one-day workshop on text mining is being held in conjunction with
PAKDD 2002 to bring together researchers from many disciplines and practices
to present their current works and results in text mining
Topics include but are not limited to:
- text categorization
- document clustering
- multi-lingual text mining
- theme extraction
- visualization
- information extraction from text
- use of domain knowledge in text mining
- text summarization
- trend analysis
- taxonomy generation for text mining
- document modeling/representation
Submission of papers
To submit a paper for consideration, send 4 copies of the manuscript to
Dr. Eui-Hong (Sam) Han (see address below).
Electronic submissions (postscript or PDF versions printable on 8.5 x 11
paper only) are strongly encouraged. To guarantee consideration, manuscripts
must be received by January 20, 2002, and must be no more than 10 pages
excluding figures, tables, and references. In the spirit of the workshop,
submission of work in progress is encouraged as well.
Attendees are required to register either for the conference (then the
workshop is free) or for the workshop only (the workshop-only registration
fee is set to be US$ 90). The workshop participants will be entitled for
coffee break, the luncheon and also the dinner that day.
Important Dates
Full paper submission: January 20, 2002
Author notification: February 20, 2002
Camera-ready copy due: March 8, 2002
Workshop: May 6, 2002
George Karypis
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University of Minnesota, USA
Ah-Hwee Tan
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Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore
Eui-Hong (Sam) Han
[log in to unmask]
iXmatch Inc., USA
(also with University of Minnesota, USA)
Program Committee
Inderjit Dhillon, University of Texas at Austin
Susan Dumais, Microsoft
Matthias Kaiser, SAP
Boon-Toh Loh, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Jianchang Mao, Verity
Haesun Park, University of Minnesota
Prabhakar Raghavan, Verity
Andreas Rauber, Technische Universitat Wien, Austria
Zi-Jian Zheng, Blue Martini Software
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Eui-Hong (Sam) Han
iXmatch Inc.
Southgate Plaza, Suite 401
5001 West 80th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55437-1115
Tel: (952) 842-7500 ext 106
Fax: (952) 842-7501
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