Some mixture model-based approaches for the clustering of large databases may
be found in Chapter 12 of my joint Wiley book, Finite Mixture model (2000);
Geoff McLachlan
Quoting Luca Meyer <[log in to unmask]>:
> Hello,
> I am searching for working/published papers on twostep clustering method
> comparison as well as references about this and other methods for
> clustering large datasets. I am already aware of the following material:
> Chiu, T., Fang, D., Chen, J., Wang, Y., and Jeris, C. (2001). A Robust
> and Scalable Clustering Algorithm for Mixed Type Attributes in Large
> Database Environment. Proceedings of the seventh ACM SIGKDD
> international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining, 263.
> Zhang, T., Ramakrishnon, R., and Livny M. (1996). BIRCH: An Efficient
> Data Clustering Method for Very Large Datebases. Proceedings of the ACM
> SIGMOD Conference on Management of Data, p. 103-114, Montreal, Canada.
> Gore, P. A. Jr. (2000). Cluster analysis. In H. E. A. Tinsley & S. D.
> Brown (Eds.), Handbook of applied multivariate statistics and
> mathematical modeling (pp. 297-321). San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
> Thank you in advance,
> Mr. Luca Meyer
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