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January 2016


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Francesco Masulli <[log in to unmask]>
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Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation
Thu, 14 Jan 2016 16:42:32 +0100
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* Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement *

              DEADLINE POSTPONED TO JAN 31, 2016

                        Special Session
“From Big Data to Big Knowledge Using Computational Intelligence
                      in Biomedicine"

                  which will be held at
      IEEE WCCI 2016 July 25 - 29, 2016, Vancouver, Canada.

    CDCI-12 From Big Data to Big Knowledge Using Computational
               Intelligence in Biomedicine

Organized by Alexandru G Floares, Francesco Masulli, Sanaz Mostaghim

Due to the explosive evolution of Information Technology and Computer 
Science, Biomedicine entered in Big Data Age, and this is really a 
scientific revolution, not just a fashion. As always, the technological 
aspects evolve faster than the scientific community mentality. 
Transforming Big Data into Big Knowledge and developing a 
Knowledge-Based Medicine require new visions and approaches. Companies, 
facing the Big Data challenges, are moving faster in the right direction 
than the biomedical community, being under a stronger competitive 
pressure. They were forced to renounce to wishful thinking, like the 
idea that a few variables, embedded in a few rules, discovered using the 
old fashion statistics, will give intelligent support for business 
decisions. We have to do the same for developing adequate diagnosis, 
prognosis, and response to treatment predictive models/tests.

On the positive side, the biomedical community has to realize that we 
are already in the Big Knowledge Age too. Curated facts from literature, 
either manually or by Text/Web Mining, are stored in large repositories 
and integrated as structured knowledge. Dedicated software tools (e.g., 
DAVID, Metacore, and Ingenuity Pathways Analysis) allow the users to 
search for knowledge, which could be represented in biologically 
meaningful ways, like pathways or networks.

Computational Intelligence (CI) methodologies, tailored to Big Data, and 
combined with a proper vision of living systems, e.g., as complex 
dynamical systems or networks of interacting entities, could pave the 
way to Knowledge-Based Medicine. Precision Medicine should be viewed not 
only as an increase in measurement's accuracy but also as highly 
accurate predictive models (Predictive Medicine), discovered from Big 
Data with CI tools. All the steps of the workflows from Big Data to Big 
Knowledge could greatly benefit from using all CI methodologies, and 
this is why this special session is addressed to all of the three 
sections of the WCCI 2016.

Scope and Topics

All the steps of the workflows from Big Data to Big Knowledge could 
greatly benefit from using all CI methodologies, and this is why this 
special session is addressed to all of the three sections of the WCCI 
2016. Authors are encouraged to apply CI methods and emphasize how their 
results could be incorporated into the biomedical domain knowledge. 
Topics include, but are not limited to:
-Novel CI approaches for data analysis in biomedicine
-Scalable computational intelligence tools for biomedicine
-Deep Learning architecture, representations, unsupervised and 
supervised algorithms
-Hardware and Software solutions for Big Data Searching, Storing and 
-Microarray and Next-Generation Sequencing Data Preprocessing and Analysis
-Biomedical imaging preprocessing and Analysis
-Integration of Microarray NGS OMICS and Clinical Data
-Structured and Unstructured Data/Text/Web Mining
-Natural Language Processing in Biomedicine
-Functional Analysis of differentially expressed and predictive genes
-Diagnosis, prognosis, and response to treatment predictive models
-Data Visualization and Visual Analytics
-Biomedical analysis pipelines, frameworks, and workflows.
-Pathways and network analysis and visualization
-Computational drug design and repositioning
-Clinical Decision Support Systems and Electronic Health Records

Papers submitted to this cross-disciplinary and CI applications special 
session track (if accepted and presented) will be published in one of 
the three conference proceedings (IJCNN, Fuzzy-IEEE, or IEEE CEC) that 
is most appropriate to the papers. Such decision will be made by the 
Special Session Organizers in consultation with the Special Session 
Chair and one of the three Conference Chairs.

Paper submission: January 31st, 2016
Paper Decision notification: March 15th, 2016
Camera-ready submission: April 15th, 2016
Conference Dates: July 25 - 29th, 2016

Perspective authors will submit their papers through the IEEE IJCNN/WCCI 
2016 conference submission system at Please 
make sure to select the Special Session no. 12 " From Big Data to Big 
Knowledge Using Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine " from the "S. 
SPECIAL SESSION TOPICS" name in the "Main Research topic" dropdown list.

Templates and instruction for authors will be provided on the IEEE 
IJCNN/WCCI webpage All papers submitted to the 
special sessions will be subject to the same peer-review procedure as 
regular papers. Accepted papers will be published in the conference 
proceedings. Further information about IEEE IJCNN/WCCI 2016 can be found 

For any question you may have about the Special Session or paper 
submission, feel free to contact the organizers: Alexandru Floares 
(email: [log in to unmask]), Francesco Masulli (email: 
[log in to unmask]), Sanaz Mostaghim (email: 
[log in to unmask])

CLASS-L list.