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April 2009


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"Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation" <[log in to unmask]>
Chris Hiestand <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 22 Apr 2009 14:29:09 -0400
"Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (152 lines)

Submissions are solicited for the Twenty-Third Annual Conference on
Neural Information Processing Systems, an interdisciplinary conference
that brings together researchers in all aspects of neural and
statistical information processing and computation. The conference is
a highly selective, single track meeting that includes invited talks
as well as oral and poster presentations of refereed papers.
Submissions by authors who are new to NIPS are encouraged.  Preceding
the main conference will be one day of tutorials (December 7), and
following will be two days of workshops at the Whistler/Blackcomb ski
resort (December 11-12).

Deadline for Paper Submissions: Friday June 5, 2009, 
23:59 Universal Time (UTC, 4:59pm Pacific Daylight Time).

Technical Areas: Papers are solicited in all areas of neural
information processing and statistical learning, including, but not
limited to:

    * Algorithms and Architectures: statistical learning algorithms,
      kernel methods, graphical models, Gaussian processes, neural
      networks, dimensionality reduction and manifold learning, model
      selection, combinatorial optimization, relational and structured

    * Applications: innovative applications or fielded systems that
      use machine learning, including systems for time series
      prediction, bioinformatics, systems biology, text/web analysis,
      multimedia processing, and robotics.

    * Brain Imaging: neuroimaging, cognitive neuroscience, EEG
      (electroencephalogram), ERP (event related potentials), MEG
      (magnetoencephalogram), fMRI (functional magnetic resonance
      imaging), brain mapping, brain segmentation, brain computer

    * Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence: theoretical,
      computational, or experimental studies of perception,
      psychophysics, human or animal learning, memory, reasoning,
      problem solving, natural language processing, and

    * Control and Reinforcement Learning: decision and control,
      exploration, planning, navigation, Markov decision processes,
      game playing, multi-agent coordination, computational models of
      classical and operant conditioning.

    * Hardware Technologies: analog and digital VLSI, neuromorphic
      engineering, computational sensors and actuators, microrobotics,
      bioMEMS, neural prostheses, photonics, molecular and quantum

    * Learning Theory: generalization, regularization and model
      selection, Bayesian learning, spaces of functions and kernels,
      statistical physics of learning, online learning and competitive
      analysis, hardness of learning and approximations, statistical
      theory, large deviations and asymptotic analysis, information

    * Neuroscience: theoretical and experimental studies of processing
      and transmission of information in biological neurons and
      networks, including spike train generation, synaptic modulation,
      plasticity and adaptation.

    * Speech and Signal Processing: recognition, coding, synthesis,
      denoising, segmentation, source separation, auditory perception,
      psychoacoustics, dynamical systems, recurrent networks, language
      models, dynamic and temporal models.

    * Visual Processing: biological and machine vision, image
      processing and coding, segmentation, object detection and
      recognition, motion detection and tracking, visual
      psychophysics, visual scene analysis and interpretation.

Papers that balance new algorithmic contributions with a more applied
focus, with substantial evaluation on real-world problems, are
particularly encouraged.

Evaluation Criteria: Submissions will be refereed on the basis of
technical quality, novelty, potential impact, and clarity. 

Submission Instructions: All submissions will be made electronically,
in PDF format. As in previous years, reviewing will be double-blind --
the reviewers will not know the identities of the authors.  Papers are
limited to eight pages, including figures and tables, in the NIPS
style.  However, this year an additional ninth page containing only
cited references is allowed.  Complete submission and formatting
instructions, including style files, are available from the NIPS
website, Electronic submissions will be accepted until
June 5, 2009, 23:59 Universal Time (UTC, 4:59 pm Pacific Daylight
Time).  Note that this year, final papers will be due in advance of
the conference.

Demonstrations: There is a separate Demonstration track at
NIPS. Authors wishing to submit to the Demonstration track should
consult the Call for Demonstrations.

Policy on Dual Submissions: Submissions that are substantially similar
to papers that have been previously published or accepted for
publication, in either a journal or conference proceedings, are not
acceptable.  During the NIPS review period, a submitted paper may not
be under review in parallel for another conference with a published
Proceedings; the NIPS review period begins June 19 and ends September
4, 2009.  Submission is permitted of a short version of a paper that
has been submitted, but not yet accepted, to a journal.

Workshops: The workshops will be held at the Whistler/Blackcomb ski
resort from December 11-12. The upcoming workshop proposal will
provide details.

Program Committee:

Jean-Yves Audibert (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)
David Blei (Princeton University)
Kwabena Boahen (Stanford University)
Michael Bowling (University of Alberta)
Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi (University of Milan)
Aaron Courville (University of Montreal)
Koby Crammer  (University of Pennsylvania)
Nathaniel Daw (New York University)
David Dunson (Duke University)
Paolo Frasconi (University of Florence)
Nir Friedman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Arthur Gretton (Carnegie Mellon University and Max Planck Institute)
Matthias Hein (Saarland University)
Aapo Hyvarinen (University of Helsinki)
Thorsten Joachims (Cornell University)
Mark Johnson (Brown University)
Charles Kemp (Carnegie Mellon University)
John Lafferty (Carnegie Mellon University) [co-chair]
Wee Sun Lee (National University of Singapore)
Tai Sing Lee (Carnegie Mellon University)
Jon McAuliffe (University of Pennsylvania)
Yael Niv (Princeton University)
Robert Nowak (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
Pascal Poupart (University of Waterloo)
Carl Rasmussen (University of Cambridge)
Erik Sudderth (Brown University)
Ben Taskar (University of Pennsylvania)
Antonio Torralba (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Bill Triggs (Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, CNRS)
Sethu Vijayakumar (University of Edinburgh)
Chris Williams (University of Edinburgh) [co-chair]
Andrew Zisserman (University of Oxford)

CLASS-L list.