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June 2021


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"Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation" <[log in to unmask]>
Society for Learning Analytics Research <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 21 Jun 2021 14:40:23 +0100
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"Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation" <[log in to unmask]>
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[apologies for cross posting]


Hi all,


It is my pleasure to invite you to SoLAR Webinar "Investigating persistent and new challenges of learning analytics in higher education" presented by Prof Hendrik Drachsler from the Open University and Goethe University. See the details of the talk below.. 


Via Zoom (meeting URL provided in the registration email)


Time: June 29,  2-3 PM CEST


To register, go to


(Also, make sure you follow SoLAR's Eventbrite page to get updates for the future events).


We are looking forward to seeing you at the webinar!


Kind regards,

Isabel Hilliger


Society for Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR)


Investigating persistent and new challenges of learning analytics in higher education



Abstract: In this webinar, Prof Hendrik Drachsler will reflect on the process of applying learning analytics solutions within higher education settings, its implications, and the critical lessons learned in the Trusted Learning Research Program. The talk will focus on the experience of research collective consisting of researchers from the Netherlands and Germany that contribute to the Trusted Learning Analytics (TLA) research program. The TLA program aims to provide actionable and supportive feedback to students and stands in the tradition of human-centered learning analytics concepts. Thus, the TLA program aims to contribute to unfolding the full potential of each learner. It, therefore, applies sensor technology to support psychomotor as well as web technology to support meta-cognitive and collaborative learning skills with high-informative feedback methods. Prof. Drachsler applies validated measurement instruments from the field of psychometric and investigates to what extent Learning Analytics interventions can reproduce the findings of these instruments. During this webinar, Prof Drachsler will discuss the lessons learned from implementing TLA systems. He will touch on TLA prerequisites like ethics, privacy, and data protection, as well as high informative feedback for psychomotor, collaborative, and meta-cognitive competencies and the ongoing research towards a repository, methods, tools and skills that facilitate the uptake of TLA in Germany and the Netherlands.


Bio: Hendrik Drachsler is Professor of Educational Technologies and Learning Analytics and affiliated with the German Leibniz Institute for International Educational Research (, the Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, and the Open University of the Netherlands. He is the Scientific Director of studiumdigitale, the central research and innovation unit for technology-enhanced learning, at the Goethe-University with over 40.000 students. His research interests include Learning Analytics, Personalisation technologies, Recommender Systems, Educational data, mobile devices, and their applications in the fields of Technology-Enhanced Learning and Health 2.0. Hendrik is an elected board member of the board of the European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning (EATEL). From 2015 - 2020 he was elected board member of the Society of Learning Analytics Research (SoLAR). In the past, he worked as a principal investigator and scientific coordinator of various national and EU projects (e.g.,,,,,, and was responsible for a consortium budget of over 15 million euros research grants and 3.2 million euros for his research group. Hendrik has regularly chaired international scientific conferences (e.g. LAK16, EC-TEL17, EC-TEL18, LAK20). He is Associate Editor of IEEE's Transactions on Learning Technologies (TLT), and is Special Issue Editor of the Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL). He authored various highly cited articles on Technology-Enhanced Learning.