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May 2004


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"J. Douglas Carroll" <[log in to unmask]>
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Classification, clustering, and phylogeny estimation
Thu, 6 May 2004 03:23:55 -0400
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One approach that's often used is to calculate the between to within mean
square ratio (as in a one-way ANOVA), then calculate the F ratio and
p-value for each cut, and then use the cut with  the smallest
p-value.   This is at best a useful heuristic, however-- probably the best
approach is to choose the clustering that is most interpretable
substantively, or to use a technique such as K-means designed to find a
simple clustering (or partition) in the first place!  (K-means explicitly
maximizes the F ratio discussed above for a partitioning into K clusters,
so you may want to use the relative p-values as well as interpretability
and other criteria to choose the appropriate value of K.)

Doug Carroll

At 12:49 PM 5/5/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>Dear all,
>I am now working on the hierarchical clustering methods, and
>confused about the following problem.
>As you know, to form clustering from the hierarchical tree generated by
>the pairwise distance bw the elements, we have to set a threshold value
>to cut the tree horizonally such that the vertical links intersecting with
>this horizonal critical value will be the final clusters.
>However, I do not find a very robust criterion for choosing the
>optimal number of clusters or calculating this threshold value to make the
>clustering results good different pairwise distance(similairty) measure.
>So any one has some point on this problem or recommended papers
>or methods?
>Thanks for your help.

   # J. Douglas Carroll, Board of Governors Professor of Management and #
   #Psychology, Rutgers University, Graduate School of Management,      #
   #Marketing Dept., MEC125, 111 Washington Street, Newark, New Jersey  #
   #07102-3027.  Tel.: (973) 353-5814, Fax: (973) 353-5376.             #
   # Home: 14 Forest Drive, Warren, New Jersey 07059-5802.              #
   # Home Phone: (908) 753-6441 or 753-1620, Home Fax: (908) 757-1086.  #
   # E-mail: [log in to unmask]                                   #